Saturday, March 3, 2012

Want - Crockett & Jones Boston

This spring and summer I want to be wearing loafers, penny loafers to be exact, and I want to be wearing them sockless - or perhaps with white socks. I have been looking for the right pair for a long time. Of course I would prefer some in shell cordovan, but I also want them with a rubber sole because I'm not the biggest fan of leather soles - don't ask me why.
I considered the iconic Alden loafer, but they almost always come with a leather sole. I then thought about the "Howard" model by Cheaney, which I still haven't written off, but I always seem to be ending up where I started, the Boston model by Crockett & Jones. Crockett & Jones makes some of the best footwear in the world and it's a of a consistent high quality. I just wish they would make their Harvard (unlined shell cordovan) with a Dainite sole. They probably would, but then it would be a custom order, which my budget doesn't allow at the moment.

If you don't believe me, then take Heavy Tweed Jacket's word for it.

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